A Classless Society

Which brings me to my point - why the hell are we living in such a classless, vulgar world these days? Look at all those kiss and tell girls - yes, the men they kissed and told on are terrible cheats and liars and I'm sure there is an element of being a scorned woman when they go running to the tabloids - but is it really worth whatever money they are paid to have the whole world know what position you did it in with a footballer? How can you ever look your parents in the eye again? You'll never be able to shake it off. Rebecca Loos, Daisy Wright, Faria Alam - not the kind of role models you would want for your daughters.
Then there's the plain old attention seeking whores and wankers. I for one have never understood people who have to be the centre of attention 24/7. Were they dropped on their heads as children? Given too much candy?? These people cannot stand it if they're not in the spotlight for even a second. I remember a girl from uni, let's call her JJ - what an attention seeking drama queen. She even went as far as to fake a serious medical procedure just to gain attention from this guy she was banging who had a girlfriend and didn't really want anything to do with her outside of the bedroom (can't say I blame him). And that was just the tip of the iceberg.
I am a big advocate of KEEPING A DIGNIFIED SILENCE. Confide in your closest and dearest, not with the whole damn world. If someone is mouthing off against you, it is far more infuriating to keep your cool and not respond.
When I think of class, Jackie O (above) immediately comes to mind. Yes, she had her negative qualities (for e.g. asking about Aristotle's will when he was on his death bed) but when it came to handling herself in public, she was the epitome of class, dignity and elegance.
What brought this on? Oh several things that I won't reveal.