Monday, December 19, 2005

A Well-Deserved Honour

Bono has been named by Time Magazine as one of its Persons of the Year, alongside Bill and Melinda Gates. Check it out. A lot of people out there will of course have negative things to say (and I should know as I'm friends with a number of them) but at the end of the day, Bono has been given a platform and is fighting a cause because he is in a position to do so and corny as it may seem, he wants to make a difference. You can't hold his wealth against him; he has worked hard for all he has achieved and personally, I find such criticisms to be a defence mechanism against their own inadequacies. If you gave any one of these people the opportunity to be as successful and to enjoy the fruits of their labour, I bet you anything they would not turn it down because at the end of the day, they are a bunch of hypocrites! At least Bono is out there doing something.

Anyway this is not meant to be a rant so congratulations B man!

Read about my U2 concert experiences here

Monday, December 05, 2005

Only for the hardcore UK ravers

The Prodigy. Brixton Academy. LIVE TILL 3 A.M. Oh dear God. That in itself is scarier than the image of Keith Flint in a woolly jumper in the Firestarter video. But it had to be done. A proper review can be found on my gigs page. But I will say the following:

1. It was LOUD (I am stil partially deaf)
2. Everyone but us were probably on drugs
3. Keith Flint waved to me twice (honestly).

It was effin brilliant and I found myself yelling "SMACK MY BITCH UP" every 10 seconds the next day. Definitely not one for the faint-hearted.